The 36th World Congress of Internal Medicine 2023will be held in the Dominican Republic in the eastern region of our country, in an heavenly and wonderful place well known as Punta Canal at the Punta Cana International Convention Center, Punta Cana ICC, February the 5th to February the 9th 2023.
We invite you to join us in this great event where internal medicine will be shining with the presence of outstanding speakers, who will share their experiences and knowledge through an excellent academic scientific program.
1) The works can have up to 10 authors and when presenting it, all the authors will receive a certificate of acceptance and presentation of the work
2) the works do not necessarily have to be original, and could have been presented at other events, they do not prevent them from being presented at the world congress, since the philosophy is the dissemination of scientific work and not exclusivity
3) the works (in addition to the face-to-face presentation) can be presented online via zoom in specific sessions where a commentator will be present.
4) This allows authors who cannot travel to Punta Cana, to present a work and have a certificate of authorship and presentation to the world event, but or a certificate of presence at the same
That is, there is no physical-distance-economy impediment, for the presentation of scientific papers
5)Scientific papers are published in the book of abstracts with title authors and institution in pdf format